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You searched for: photography

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Peacock with selfie stick smartphone photographs eyes spots tail feathers but one blinked.
  • Christmas tree decides to keep profile picture that was taken before he began losing needles.
  • Dracula's Image is not captured in his Profile Picture.
  • Vampires' yearbook is full of empty pictures.
  • A finger says his hobby is photobombing.
  • Antelope is accused of photoshopping horns in profile pic.
  • Ed can't decide whether to print digital photos or digitize old photos.
  • Photo of toilet helps repairman prove man dropped cell phone in toilet.
  • Officer warns driver not to show friends bad license photo.
  • A man at the Registry of Motor Vehicles is told he can't use an avatar for his driver's license photo.
  • Fishermen get photos of fish pumped with air to enhance the appearance of their catch.
  • Camera on witness stand in courtroom lies about insurance money.

You searched for: photography