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You searched for: insecurity

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  • Self-conscious sun in sky tells women cold weather shortening days length excuse.
  • Turkey reading newspaper is insulted by old man’s complaint about his wrinkled throat skin.
  • Rejected apple in counseling left on tree tells therapist about hurt feelings.
  • Guy at bar criticizes friend’s furry clothes but hairy dress lady is shed fur soulmate.
  • Light bulb at bar worries if thought balloon bulbs mean it’s an idea person or narcissistic.
  • Lightning bug tells insecure wife he’s still attracted to her glowing behind.
  • Self conscious thin line stickman drawing complains cameras add .10mm fat in photographs
  • Judgmental Christmas trees at bar say clustered ornaments hair tree is hiding a bald spot.
  • Swimmer insults wonky sharks teeth, survives dangerous attack by insecure ocean predator.
  • Unsure hummingbird on laptop debates Google searching hummed songs’ lyrics.
  • Infinite decimal digits pi looking in mirror asks 8 if butt looks big but number says being irrational.
  • Dogs couple girlfriend wonders if boyfriend loves her or treats in her coat pockets.

You searched for: insecurity