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Excited caffeine frenzy daisies race around garden outside as guy inside asks wife if she put coffee grounds in compost.
Frantic driver’s bursting bladder is excited dog rushing to pee when almost home.
Over caffeinated swamp monster in coffee mug scares man man eating breakfast.
Telecommuting dad on computer shushes noisy son Mike not muted interrupting online video work meeting.
Dog checks cellphone Global Positioning System directions to zoom in circles around yard.
Sloth asks other sloth why it’s moving faster and it answers it shouldn’t have had a second shot of espresso.
Woman walking in park introduces man to her energetic insistence dog who wants treats, to be pet and to play.
Family Circus parody family cirque du solei.
Wine bottle complains that bubbly personality of champagne bottle causes a headache.
A woman accidentally gives her husband milk and her baby coffee, making her baby bounce off the walls with energy.