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You searched for: cliff

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  • Distracted by intelligence test app, man walks off cliff.
  • Distracted lemming does not follow crowd over the cliff.
  • Couple see signs for deer crossing, falling rock, then falling deer.
  • A man is confused by how to get to the Toys R Us website, because he cannot type a backwards R.
  • The workers on Mount Rushless are very slow.
  • A man tries to hear an echo while on a ledge, but gets put on hold.
  • A woman has lots of computer problems, but masters drag-and-drop by dragging her computer to a cliff and dropping it off the edge.
  • Overprotective lemming parents want their son to wait half an hour after eating before throwing himself off a cliff.
  • A man whose bed is on a cliff gets out on the wrong side and falls off the edge.

You searched for: cliff