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You searched for: amusement park rides

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • An amusement park for ghosts has an unhaunted house ride.
  • In addition to the Tea Cups ride, this amusement park has an Espresso Cups ride.
  • Kids driving bumper cars can't hit each other when using cell phones.
  • Rides made from parts of horror movies.
  • Rides made from parts of horror movies.
  • Tennis players don't score in the Tunnel of Love.
  • A young Don King gets into a carnival ride with his tall hair.
  • Horses think a carousel is a rotisserie shish kebab designed to punish horses.
  • People go to a booth to reclaim their stomachs after going on a roller coaster.
  • Amusement parks for accountants have rides like the pocket protector wheel.
  • Roller coaster with dining sections goes down large hill, several people get plates of food in their faces.
  • Laundry inside washer talk about how fun wash cycle was, especially spin cycle, shirt upset because he missed out since he was inside out.

You searched for: amusement park rides