FUNNY teenager cartoons & comics bring on the juvenile laughs! ! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Teenagers Cartoons

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  • A teenager programs a Back To School chip in the TV that blocks all of the Back To School advertisements.
  • Instead of getting tattoos, a rebellious teen butterfly has her wing markings removed.
  • A group of mice decide to talk to Mickey about suspected growth hormone use.
  • Meditation class believes that member is using spiritual growth hormones to rise above the rest of the class.
  • Parent knows inappropriate lyrics to teenager's cell phone ring tone.
  • A teenage salmon is rebellious by wearing a shirt with slogan, Go with the Flow.
  • Claims rejected by Ripley's Believe It Or Not about baby, cat, computer and teen.
  • Parent chooses ringtone for teenager's cell phone as punishment for daughter.
  • Frankenstein and his bride have few teeth left after necking.
  • The latest turtle fashion is a two piece shell.
  • A discount dermatologist does his surgery in the style of the Whack-A-Mole games.
  • A teenage mayfly child acts older then her age.