FUNNY teenager cartoons & comics bring on the juvenile laughs! ! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Teenagers Cartoons

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  • A knight uses the mirror on the wall to find the fairest of them all.
  • A snake is sad because she was going to eat eggs but the nest was empty.
  • A screw has the se talk with his son.
  • Mr. Potatohead removes his daughter's boyfriend's arms.
  • Howlister Clothing parodies Hollister Clothing.
  • Leeches are sad their kid wants to stop mooching off them.
  • Teenaged kangaroo wants to move back but mother's pouch is zippered.
  • Ghost watching clouds sees mom ghost spying on her as a cloud.
  • Cat obviously not in heat as her clothes indicate she is cold.
  • Rebel evergreens cross tree line when no one is watching.
  • Teenager bleach bottle is envious of bleach alternative, but warned by mother to stay away.
  • White Rabbit finds out his wife is pregnant by her response to "I'm late."