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  • A boy mows the lawn because he thinks it's a video game.
  • A baby owl is scared after having a daymare.
  • A newspaper has a list of real super heroes.
  • A construction worker's wife has a lot of false labor with their baby.
  • A robot cat is too realistic when it doesn't do anything it's supposed to.
  • The Reverse Psychology Network tells kids to not read at home.
  • A big letter wants to see more kerning in his daughters relationship.
  • A woman needs something to check the pP level of her pool.
  • An expectant hyena listens to comedy tapes that are supposed to be good for the kids.
  • A man paints kids' faces with a roller at a birthday party.
  • A toddler sweeps the house and takes everything, saying "mine!" all the time
  • A Rube Goldberg machine will make pizza for your kids.