FUNNY parents cartoons & comics won’t punish you for laughing! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Parents Cartoons

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  • A kangaroo uses its laptop on her child's head.
  • Everybody watches the CNN Anchor's baby crawl.
  • Plaster of Paris and Plaster of Pisa.
  • A monster has a Oreo factory as a snack before dinner.
  • How many light bulb men it takes to change a light bulb baby.
  • A bat improves his ear-wing coordination by playing video games.
  • Parental controls on a computer tells the user what to do.
  • A man drops his kid off at Build a Bear while he goes to Build a Beer.
  • Babies hold their breath, and eventually become the Blue Man Group.
  • Mother Nature is in court, suing for parent infringement.
  • Mark takes the day off and his family comes up with the ideas for the cartoon.
  • A new toothbrush camera shows if you really brushed your teeth.