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  • Gossiping candy canes say candy lady dating rich lollypop driving convertible found a sugar pop.
  • Anteater can’t wait to open tons of little ants Christmas gifts wrapped in boxes.
  • Frankenstien monster on sofa detaches arm to reach around date’s shoulders.
  • Man sees full moon & rips clothes pretending to be a werewolf but wife says should have said he didn’t like shirt.
  • Sexually unsatisfied ghosts in bed complain that they didn’t feel anything.
  • Books Halloween party guest flirts cool banned title costume makes her want him more.
  • Mad one eyed alien lady tells martian man staring at single breast her eye is up here.
  • Mother mishears son’s friend has 2 mommies but they’re really mummy monsters.
  • Single male bat at bar thinks attractive flirting female is making ears at him.
  • Guy at beach eating burger surrounded by seagulls tells wife he is approachable.
  • Female peahen waits on bed for male peacock mate but his tail is too wide to fit through door.
  • Boyfriend wears garish clashing clothes because cat napping in basket prevented washing laundry.