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  • Egg in the bathroom drying his hands reads note on wall saying to call Ellen because she's over easy.
  • After lumberjack cuts down tree, another tree says he knew she was lying about her age because he can see the circles on her trunk.
  • Woman explains her half cat-half reptile pet because her lease only allowed one pet, so she and Jim compromised by having their pets combined.
  • A clearly aged Charlie Brown sits on bench and wonders how he can get little gray-haired girl to notice him.
  • One sauce pan tells another pot after hitting the teakettle that it will be the last time he whistles at her.
  • Girl's dog and cats sitting with her friend, she tells friend her pets love her, friend says she wants to be veterinarian, pets run away.
  • Spoon tells fork that first impressions are crucial with her parents, asks fork to do something with his hair, which are fork tines.
  • Car salesman at bar is upset, tells friend the girl never loved him, she just wanted good deal on Mercedes, implying that he was used.
  • Godzilla destroys library looking for a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
  • Woman living with tooth fairy, surrounded by teeth, says it was fascinating first, but he doesn't clean up, he's out all night and dresses funny.
  • Man takes hanger out of closet, hanger begs him not to hang up the tacky polyester suit because he has a big date tonight.
  • Man with big ego tells woman after a few dates, she will find him absolutely super, while she is thinking superficial.