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  • George Washington lies and tells his wife she doesn't look fat in her dress.
  • Pavlov's dog keeps drooling as he gets older.
  • A suitcase with a lot of stickers on it gets around.
  • Robin thinks Batman has been out to see Catwoman because he's covered in hair.
  • Husband cat finds that his wife put a poinsettia leaf in his sandwich and thinks she is trying to poison him.
  • A family around a Christmas tree is giving each other headaches and grief instead of holiday gifts.
  • A woman says that the only exercise her lazy husband gets is using his facial muscles to frown.
  • A cat tells her frisky boyfriend that he needs to wear a flea collar for protection during sexual intercourse.
  • A praying mantis housewife watches a show about how to cook her husband.
  • Billy's BB gun takes his eye out'on a date. Mother warns son about bb gun taking his eye out and she was correct, literally.
  • Mr. Potato Head keeps a "close eye" on his wife's love affair by leaving one of his eyes on the table to see if she's cheating.
  • A female deciduous tree says her pine tree husband doesn't understand what it's like when her leaves change in autumn.