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  • Wife tells husband, Albert, that expandability is a good feature for computers, not husbands, just as he has his mouth open extremely wide to eat an entire piece of cake.
  • One fowl says since Gregory was cremated, he feels like he is with him - and there is a can of cream of chicken on the mantel.
  • Husband faxes wife dirty diaper and asks for clean one in return because he doesn't know how to change the baby's diaper.
  • Stick of gum talking on phone tells friend she hasn't seen Ray all night, and he's probably stuck under some bar stool.
  • One soft cover book wonders if his wife only comes to the beach to look at the hard covers.
  • Male skelton tells female, Agatha, he suspected cheating, but didn't expect to find so many skeletons in her closet, there are real skeletons in closet.
  • Wife gives husband present, hopes he likes it because she had help picking it out, gift is a dead mouse, cat is at wife's feet.
  • Husband apologizes to wife for coming home late, says he hit every red light on the way, car has several traffic signals stuck to front.
  • Husband orange tells judge he wants divorce because he wanted kids and wife never told him she was seedless.
  • Woman living with tooth fairy, surrounded by teeth, says it was fascinating first, but he doesn't clean up, he's out all night and dresses funny.
  • Turtle stuck on back after falling off ladder agrees to take wife to dinner and movie and buy roses if she will turn him over.
  • Humpty Dumpty's wife has remarried another egg, and they have 12 kids, which are eggs in a carton.