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Browse our Marriage Cartoons

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  • A dog takes Wagra to get his tail moving.
  • Women rewear their ugly bridesmaid dresses as clown costmes for Halloween.
  • Mr. Potatohead decorates his jack-o-lantern with pieces of his wife's face.
  • A caveman drags a cavewoman by her very long hair.
  • A worm eats chili and his wife asks if he's planning on aerating the lawn.
  • Dogs secretly pet a cat.
  • A man adds Worcestershire sauce to s'mores, making them n'mores.
  • A devil tells her husband to turn the car around because she forgot to leave the iron on.
  • A pair of cards go to couples counseling because the king had other queens in his clothes.
  • Praying mantises give new mantis brides bottles of ketchup.
  • Mr. Bubble's doctor can't tell if his wife is giving birth or if she just needs Pepto Bismol.
  • Cakes watch a horror movie where a woman bursts out of a cake.