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Browse our Marriage Cartoons

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  • A cartoon turns over the page to get beer from Hagar the Horrible.
  • Zeus and Hera talk about their marriage on Jerry Springer.
  • A man has a lot of Megs on his computer.
  • A large family has stork for dinner.
  • A blanket anti-theft device gives the thief a shock.
  • A cricket wears a no-chirp strip at night to prevent himself from chirping.
  • A computer is used in the 'Smart House' to monitor everything that goes on.
  • A whale pops its barnacles before a date.
  • A fly has trouble adjusting to compound eyes.
  • A mime gives her husband the noisy treatment.
  • Its time to change the air freshener in the car when all the pine needles fall off.
  • A cat plays with wrapping paper instead of her birthday gifts.