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Browse our Marriage Cartoons

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  • A woman and her dog both expose their midriffs.
  • An urn holds the ashes of a Phoenix, which has come back to life.
  • A crocodile has to bring empty turtle shells back to the store.
  • Father bear brings home fool's goldilocks by accident.
  • A slug salts the walkway after a snowstorm.
  • The easter bunny paints his walls to look like easter eggshells.
  • A dog looks in the classifieds for his soul mate.
  • A woman wants to exchange her anniversary card for a more thoughtful one.
  • God smites Adam and Eve with mothers-in-law.
  • A slice of bread has a buttered half.
  • A couple gets to their 50th Anniversary because they don't sleep when they are mad.
  • A dog doesn't think sticking its nose where it doesn't belong is a bad thing.