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Browse our Marriage Cartoons

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  • Two cats can't decide what type of wallpaper to decorate walls in home with.
  • Woman spider is embarrassed by silly sports fan hat and does not want to be seen with man spider.
  • The Hallmark aisle has a section for people who believed their spouse's claims they wouldn't exchange gifts.
  • A happy couple feels guilty that their newly divorced sister is staying with them for Christmas, so they pretend to fight to make her feel better.
  • Frosty the Snowman is in an accident and needs an infusion of ice water.
  • Mr. Peanut draws faces on Styrofoam packing peanuts.
  • The first fruitcake was made with all the crumbs from Santa's beard.
  • A turkey needs tips on defrosting another turkey.
  • Mr. Peanut puts on almond extract as cologne.
  • A man has his wife filling up balloons while she is in labor.
  • Guests have to walk down the aisle one at a time at a flight attendant marriage.
  • A man works at home, and his hair starts to grow toward the sun like a plant.