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  • Family driving in car with GPS tracking is alerted that Onstar has detected misbehaving children.
  • Owner has a new dog groomer and the dog is so well groomed he comes in groom attire.
  • Bedbug finds his lady bedbug home in bed with another male bed bug.
  • Husband in hospital is diagnosed by doctor not to induce daylight saving until wife is done cooking.
  • Wife of Rice Krispies' Snap confesses to more than one reason the kids call Snap's brother "Pop."
  • Sealing wedding invitations, fiancee says a February 29th wedding would mean leap year anniversaries.
  • Car parents are excited that their baby car came with an automatic rear wiper.
  • The Whatever, She's Just Going To Return It Store for men shopping for gifts women will return.
  • One of the downsides of having a dreamcatcher is the wife finding the floozy from your dreams.
  • Husband uses software to show how salesman will look if he doesn't' stop flirting with wife.
  • Reindeer mistake Rudolph's red nose for a pregnancy glow.
  • Mrs. Claus goes through the groceries to find Santa Claus did not check her grocery list twice.