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  • Cat played with mouse and killed it before giving it to wife.
  • Worm without partner realizes that he's reproducing asexually tonight.
  • Papa Bear hires Goldilocks to eat porridge so that he can order pizza.
  • Fish likes washer but dryer doesn't dry clothes underwater.
  • Husband complains outside panel so wife can't read it.
  • Mosquito tries to convince woman to date him before first frost kills him.
  • Soft serve wife admires hard packed ice cream cone's physique.
  • New dad exclaims he has a paper jam with the baby wipes.
  • Cake goes straight to woman's arm instead of to her hips.
  • Dad dresses up as mom late at night to steal Halloween candy from son.
  • Wife can't find her husband Rip's headstone among all the RIPs.
  • Skeleton wife discovers husband visits racy Internet sites like Bare Bones.