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Browse our Marriage Cartoons

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  • Chickens go to couples counseling because one of them wants their relationship to be free range.
  • A tootsie roll thinks the Hershey kisses that visited were too affectionate.
  • Anteaters go out to dinner, but all the restaurants are called Ants.
  • A wine glass takes another wine glass's girlfriend home by accident.
  • A dog instant messages his friends.
  • A parrot buys his girlfriend the wrong kind of cracker.
  • A woman's husband never forgets their anniversary because he invented the time machine.
  • A dog buys her husband his favorite food, anything.
  • Godzillas go on a romantic walk on the beach, crushing people beneath their feet.
  • A woman is confused how her husband has so many reward points at the jewelry store, because he spent lots of money there on other women.
  • A dog asks her husband if it's okay if she gets another dog for companionship while he's traveling.
  • A man showers with dolphins instead of swimming with them.