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Browse our Marriage Cartoons

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  • A woman's hot flashes mean her heating bills are cheaper.
  • Adam and Eve have relationship trouble when Adam forgets Eve's birthday.
  • A man gives a woman a bouquet of flowers whose petals he plucked off to find out if she loved him.
  • The gold chain Jason gives his wife is for the chainsaw.
  • A woman gives her husband body armor as a gift because their cat is so vicious.
  • A lazy Lego husband buys his wife a bunch of Lego blocks and tells her she can decide for herself what she wants to make out of them.
  • A groundhog gets a sundial as a present.
  • Snoopy sleeps on the headboard, leaving his girlfriend without intimacy.
  • The emperor is easy to shop for because you can get him empty boxes and he'll think they're full of clothes.
  • A snowman and a snowwoman roleplay by making themselves different heads out of snow.
  • Sabertooth tigers have an argument because they're bad kissers.