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  • The groundhog's wife sees his eye shadow, so he's in for a long cold winter.
  • A dog's wife catches him looking at filth on the internet.
  • A man sneezes so hard his beard transfers to his date's face.
  • Donuts are made by shooting a cannonball through the Pillsbury Doughboy.
  • Dogs say corny things to each other.
  • We get green potato chips from jealous Mr. Potatoheads.
  • A cat has a hangover after New Year's because he tore open his cat toy and ate the catnip.
  • The three not-so-wise men make inconsiderate comments to their wives around Christmas.
  • A tick hides his head in a person's skin when his wife tries to argue with him.
  • A woman thinks someone has toilet papered her house, but it's just her daughter's long Christmas wish list.
  • A fork asks her husband where he learned to spoon.
  • A pearl wishes she'd listened when her mom told her to marry someone cultured.