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  • If you have nothing good to say, host a radio show.
  • Cupid sees a psychiatrist because he keeps missing his targets, supermodels.
  • A man answers his wife's question, but isn't listening to the question.
  • A mother tells her son locking his cell phone would be a good idea.
  • A matchmaker is hired to find a woman's perfect mate, and picks himself.
  • Cupid practices on cutouts.
  • Cupid has a chart of human puncture points, and what effect they have.
  • A snake tells her husband she knew he'd come crawling back.
  • A woman throws her husband away when he neglects to take out the trash.
  • A key hides from his wife in the garage.
  • A dog kisses its owner and his wife.
  • A woman doesn't stop watching her soap operas because of amnesia.