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  • Impressed balloon grandkids grandmother lives life of needlepoint danger.
  • Greek myth boy Icarus protects wings from sun with zillion SPF sunscreen.
  • Scared matryoshka dolls jump out when Nurse with vaccination syringe says will feel pinch.
  • Alexa virtual assistant device on laptop sees the Clapper family search result.
  • Russian nesting doll compliments doll’s lost weight and she answers her kids moved out.
  • Man gets scribble drawing face tattoo at take your child to work day special tattoo parlor.
  • Cop pulls over Russian nesting doll driver in car for driving in a high occupancy lane.
  • Tattoo artist inks wife’s sister’s name in heart on man’s back in April Fool’s prank.
  • Mother with very small infant in stroller thanks woman for agreeing to babysit child as she’s a handful.
  • Disgusted bird throws up in mouth but baby chicks in nest are excited for supper.
  • Snowman on laptop genealogy website sees dirty pond, puddle & toilet water DNA search results.
  • Son doubts chameleon hidden in terrarium his mom & dad gave him.