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Browse our Thanksgiving Cartoons

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  • Turkey's take chicken as a foreign language.
  • What other products would look like if they were designed by razor companies.
  • Frankenstein tries to reanimate the turkey leftovers.
  • A vampire only eats the dark meat of the turkey.
  • Woman overcooks the turkey so it is dry.
  • Goldilocks eats porridge that tastes like stuffing.
  • A turkey goes to the dentist to get a cavity filled.
  • Jack's mom cooks the goose that lays golden eggs.
  • The sticky part on the back of sticky notes is gotten from the movies.
  • Frankenstein is done with the bolts in his neck pop out like timers.
  • A turkey thinks he survived the holidays, but is about to die.
  • A man gets a repetitive stress injury on his jaw from eating too much.