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Browse our Thanksgiving Cartoons

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  • Owner thinks ignoring dog's begging is successful, while dog eats chicken on counter in kitchen.
  • Turkeys in one-night stand decide they can't resist seconds.
  • Passive aggressive woman celebrates You're welcomesgiving instead of Thanksgiving.
  • Turkeys gossip about large-breasted turkey and assume it is stuffing.
  • Turkey orders many pizzas for Thanksgiving in an attempt to save himself.
  • Farm wife is surprised book on livening up turkey includes playing ping pong.
  • When grill is turned to medium setting, it makes paranormal contact with the food being cooked.
  • Lettuce farmer separates the heads from the bodies of lettuce.
  • Cats won't invite dog to steal food because his nails click too loudly.
  • Man eating meat thinks flesh-eating bacteria are gross.
  • As father is taken by ambulance, mother announces Thanksgiving turkey is undercooked.
  • Mothers misses Thanksgiving with family because she is camped out at Black Friday's Christmas sales.