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  • Another marketing failure: Turkey Yogurt.
  • A turkey takes a selfie before being killed for Thanksgiving.
  • A turkey gets a medical scan and finds out he's full of stuffing.
  • Parents come to parents' night at a school and a monster looks at his kid's webbed hand turkey.
  • A woman reads The Giving Tree to her son and has nightmares about him harvesting her organs.
  • Man can say grace, but doesn't have any as he knocks over turkey.
  • Turkey's yoga class pays off as he avoids ax.
  • Family questions validity of turkey's will that leaves drumsticks to dad.
  • A turkey turns her first husband into a duster because he doesn't like to clean.
  • A turkey's head is cut off even though he read How To Keep Your Head in All Situations.
  • A turkey's Axe body spray repels other turkeys because of its name.
  • Father turkey doesn't believe in investing so he's been stuffing money.