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Nasty apple on tree picks snot nose boogers by fall apple picking orchard sign.
Criminal customers arrested for wearing sunglasses cloudy day, playing beachball at pool, winter ale in August and swimsuit wading.
Grumpy man at seashore criticizes cold ocean waves in negative reviews.
Autocorrected depressed beach sand dune, sunscreen sun yells, stoned ocean toad & rude bird sea gull gall spelling changes.
Different father animals tell corny and cheesy dad jokes to their young children & babies.
Man shopping online on computer sees unrelated chiropractic product suggestion marketing.
Snowman on laptop genealogy website sees dirty pond, puddle & toilet water DNA search results.
Smartphones in Daylight Saving therapy support group lose hour in spring forward clock time change.
Woman tells man overcooked black meat needed more thyme flavor, not time in oven.
Woman tells man snow shoveling is a good way to shed pounds as snowman neighbor shovels fat butt.
Snowman therapist tells melted patient many are experiencing burnout.
Angry groundhog on laptop banned from Twitter for violent 6 more weeks winter tweet.