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No coal protesting faceless snowman sacrifices environment polluting greenhouse gas fossil fuel eyes, mouth & button.
Punk rock musician woodchuck performs onstage concert for Groundhog Day fans audience crowd.
Cruel snow manager’s carrot nose stick work motivation method frustrates snowmen office workers.
Injured snowman on laptop online medical web site steals snow man’s head to ice neck injury.
Snowman flirts with snow lady at bar with compatible water sign zodiac astrology pick-up lines.
Golfing reindeer Rudolph hits red glowing light nose ball in dark evening snowstorm.
Cartoonist imagines self as cold complaining Santa refusing to deliver toys Christmas Eve.
Racist green holly leaf hates red, yellow, orange leaves until its autumn foliage colors change unexpectedly.
Conflicted snow man protester with solar power sign protests warming climate change melting.
Doctor tells Chanukah dreidel top at medical appointment it’s spinning vertigo dizzy spells are seasonal.
Angry cafe customer complains to barista about insulting pumpkin spite coffee cup sticking out tongue.
Autumn bumpy squash gourds harvest decorations stung by bees on assembly line conveyor belt.