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A beaver buys a popsicle from an ice cream truck so he can chew on the wooden stick.
Santa loses his pants while going down a chimney.
A snowman pathologist disappoints a snowman cop because his DNA tests are inconclusive because no two snowflakes are the same.
Peaches both go as cobblers for Halloween.
Godzillas go bobbing for men named Bob on Halloween.
A squid lets his ink loose in a swimming pool.
Pieces of food roast their friend Frank the hot dog.
Mrs. Potatohead is so worried about getting tan lines at the beach that she takes off all her body parts.
A bird eats so many fireflies that he explodes into fireworks.
Kevin Bacon is frozen in the Antarctic.
A farmer hates harvesting spring chickens because their springs make them too bouncy to catch.
A man gets his tongue stuck to the frozen screen of his computer.