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Snowmen gain weight in a snowstorm.
A dog exercises to become buff.
Birds fly south for the winter, but their luggage ends up in the north.
A cat says swallows got their name because you can eat them.
A prison shows previews of its summer releases.
The groundhog's wife sees his eye shadow, so he's in for a long cold winter.
A snowman buys Preparation I to get rid of icicles on his butt.
A hot dog asks if he can put three little holes in a witness before grilling him.
A beaver buys a popsicle from an ice cream truck so he can chew on the wooden stick.
Santa loses his pants while going down a chimney.
A snowman pathologist disappoints a snowman cop because his DNA tests are inconclusive because no two snowflakes are the same.
Peaches both go as cobblers for Halloween.