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Pine trees gossip about how a deciduous tree's brightly colored leaves will be falling off soon.
A horse looks at fertilizer in a store.
A vampire gets brain freeze after drinking an Inuit's blood on the tundra.
A man regrets his tattoo of a frightened mouse on his ankle when his cat starts chasing it.
A kangaroo mom bellyflops into the pool, stunning the baby in her pouch.
A woman lies outside to get a tan, but her painters drop paint on her instead.
An egg does a cannonball into a pool, facilitating the invention of egg drop soup.
People race into the water at the beach, but the sharks are planning on eating the first one who gets in the water.
Kids bury their dad's face at the beach.
A man turns down a home alarm salesman because his dog is already a motion detector.
A snowman gives another snowman the cold shoulder.
The Grim Heater melts Frosty the Snowman.