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Mad Alice in Wonderland book & movie characters shoveling snow complain swear word symbols.
Fortune teller shakes crystal ball predicting snowman’s past snowflake reincarnation.
Pumpkin spice is back in town.
Comb and Don't Comb signs at beach tell beachcombers when to cross.
With people readings their phones on the beach, aerial advertiser flys "I give up" sign.
Teenager tells dad he's not brushing his teeth because he is seasoning them.
People distractedly looking at their phones fall into holes kids dig on the beach.
Gardening shovel and snow shovel battle in boxing ring to determine who will win the season for March.
Snowman breaks up with snowwoman because their May-December relationship would cause them to melt.
Snowman brings wife to hospital because her ice broke.
Once he has a phone, groundhog never notices his shadow again.
Groundhog Nog is an unpopular holiday drink.