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You searched for: yoda

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Star Wars Chewbacca finishes Yoda’s fries in challenging speech mixup.
  • Star Wars Luke Skywalker’s training by Yoda with cat in lap delayed by unwritten rules of the force.
  • Jedi Yoda wears sexual adult lingerie & heals in hot yoga fitness center exercise class misunderstanding.
  • Cemetery tombstone for mixed up words speaking Star Wars Yoda has RIP as PRI for peace rest in.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi’s stolen lunch note in breakroom fridge sounds like written by Yoda.
  • Confused man wore Star Wars Yoda pants to yoga class.
  • Yoda speak results in glasses after eye exam.
  • Yoda's way of speaking makes him a lousy jury foreman.
  • Yoda fails at New Year's resolution to speak using proper sentence structure.
  • Yoda has a wild brother named Yolo.
  • The Pink Panther arrives at a St. Patrick's Day party where all the guests are green.
  • A kid dressed as Yoda uses the force to steal candy from other kids.

You searched for: yoda