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Snowman mother tells kid digging brother’s eyes not to play coal miner.
Ladybug on laptop computer sees loud capital letter cicada website comments when noisy bugs return.
Potato head mom tells son building snowman with bare face sibling’s pieces not what she meant when said include brother.
Russian nesting doll mother tells yelling kid to use inside inside inside voice.
Stinging fire ants in anthill bite aardvark tongue and it runs screaming in pain.
Misspelled Valentine’s Day texts autocorrected box of chalk lights chocolates, liver lover boy, car valet time & rude bugs swearing disses insults.
Different headphone, ear bud, Air Pods listening products compared with horrible earwig bugs crawling in ears.
Man annoyed at art gallery painting says his kid could do artist’s fussy crying baby artwork.
Disgusted man watching television indifferent to gruesome gore violence is horrified actor chews food with mouth open.
Violent boot with knife chases scared shopper running out of clothing store advertising boot-cut jeans sign.
Tongue licks murder horror film scares screaming ice cream cones audience.
Owner mad guilty dogs chewed shoes but helpful pets solved her painful high heels problem.