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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Frosty the snowman in restroom thaws arms washing hands in warm water.
Vampires company manager says worker with three fangs is their most productive employee.
Stickman drawing marks workplace safety sign zero days without an erasure after worker’s limbs erased..
Kitty sitting at laptop desk tells another it is ignoring millions of people on internet right now.
Motion sight predator Tyrannosaurus at dinosaur executives meeting says company vision is based on movement.
Meat, cheese & veggie platter hors d'oeuvre foods in executive business suits vote to take a dip.
Sign advertising massage therapist’s literal bodies touching career scares customers away.
Santa Claus in sleigh thinks incompetent elf unevenly filling heavy, light & empty toy bags was grocery employee before.
Allergies doctor diagnosing sick bee covered in pollen asks if considered another line of work.
Office worker bug interviewing butterfly notices gap in employment history on resume.
Slob in filthy trash covered work cubicle organizes neat folder icons on computer desk-top.
Fish boss on undersea office laptop interviews 8 hand octopus job applicant impressed by ambi-ambidexterous professional qualifications.