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Snowman mother tells kid digging brother’s eyes not to play coal miner.
Four vampire victims dine as restaurant’s sign says try our 4-course meals
Bleeding man shaves face with razor & sees car of shark predators outside window.
Brooms witness suspicious balcony fall death & suspect push broom is guilty of murder.
Person walking at night says he likes seeing inside house windows, worrying embarrassed tortoise naked in shell home.
Excited caffeine frenzy daisies race around garden outside as guy inside asks wife if she put coffee grounds in compost.
Lady wonders who used laptop to learn second language as pet cat chirps at birds of feeder outside window.
Pet dog waiting anxiously for owner’s return home wears watch timing forever, infinity & an eternity.
Man waters houseplant like flowers outside window blooming in rain but flower wilts unfortunately.
Kitty in window watches tiny mouse across street in dark but missed pet treats clearly in sight.
Leaf falling outside tempts peeking dog to break less barking New Year’s Resolution goal.
Potato head mom tells son building snowman with bare face sibling’s pieces not what she meant when said include brother.