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French language test audiences misunderstand Fin end titled Jaws shark movie & leave theater.
Pet owners with talking dog begging for table scraps regret getting canine speech chip technology.
Birdwatcher on smartphone bird translator app reads target approaching as singing birds prepare to poop.
Cat meow translator smartphone app says kill everyone.
Dog searches online for translation of the word leftovers.
North American Indian and cowboy see smoke signals.
A gender translator explains what a man's grunt means.
A gender translator explains what a woman's outburst means.
A dog's owner watches Lassie while the dog laughs about Lassie's owner misunderstanding her barks.
An anthropologist thinks a tribe captured him to save face, but really they're going to save his head as a trophy.
Girl finds genie in bottle, asks how many wishes she gets, genie can't say, she asks for ballpark figure, genie turns her body into baseball field.