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You searched for: tight

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Kitty hangs fishnet tights Christmas stockings by fireplace for Santa to fill with tasty fishes presents.
  • Peanuts cartoon Snoopy clenches his ass cheeks to lay on sharp dog house rooftop.
  • Wife at party annoyed husband wearing tiny clothing stubbornly refuses to admit he grabbed wrong suitcase at airport.
  • Chart shows sharp drop in skinny jean sales after Thanksgiving during company’s board meeting.
  • Balloon angers elevator companions when he deflates.

  • A cobra is uptight and has a square cowl.
  • A magician can't do his trick right because his rabbit is too fat.
  • Instead of walking the tight rope or slack line, a man walks on a loose rope.
  • A man orders the combination plate at a restaurant, and it comes locked with a combination lock.
  • PETA sends Medusa a warning for wearing her ponytails too tight.
  • A piece of wood can't fit into her jeans because she's no longer a 2x4.
  • Herding breed dog herds oblivious party goers into a corner of the room.

You searched for: tight