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You searched for: tidy

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Angry bird mom in tree asks dad who broke fallen eggs what he means he’s been spring cleaning nest?
  • Slob in filthy trash covered work cubicle organizes neat folder icons on computer desk-top.
  • Fourth of July firework tells other firework reading Marie Kondo decluttering book that it’s afraid of things that spark joy.
  • Mummies have a Tomb-a vacuum instead of a Roomba.

  • Power of air from leaf blower squashes worm friend against fence.
  • A woman hires a tidy-up service so she won't be embarrassed when her cleaning service arrives.
  • Clowns perform the initiation on the new guy but dressing him in normal business suit.
  • The inside workings of a toddler's brain.

You searched for: tidy