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You searched for: throats

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Turkey reading newspaper is insulted by old man’s complaint about his wrinkled throat skin.
  • Four vampire victims dine as restaurant’s sign says try our 4-course meals
  • Spooky social media Halloween monsters #livingmybestafterlife photo vampire scares victims & watches TV in casket in website post.
  • Stylish tattooed vampires wear spooky Halloween bat & spider vamp stamps tattoo on necks.
  • Dracula vampire drinks cartoon Smurfs’ blue blood & invents Bluetooth fangs.
  • Superman’s too strong Heimlich Maneuver pops choking man’s bones out mouth shocking restaurant diners.
  • A bullfrog uses his throat to make balloon animals for his kids.
  • Person in giraffe's neck gives away that he's gone off vegetarian diet.
  • Christina Aguilera sings many notes when the doctor asks her to say "ahhh."
  • Police investigate death of Heimlich who is stuck in a bear's throat.
  • Cat recovering in hospital after tonsils removed is served a cold penguin.
  • Irony Soap is designed to wash out the mouths of people who swear.

You searched for: throats