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You searched for: thirst

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  • Flowers at gathering see bouquet crowd line for punch bowl vase.
  • Disgusted cat asks messy tongue drinking dog if any water got in mouth but it isn’t sure.
  • Desert cacti at restaurant covers water glass blocking plant waitstaff’s drink pitcher.
  • Dog mistakes twig for water nozzle & waits for drink in mouth but jet squirts wet butt surprise.
  • Snowman rescuer in woods asks missing snow men with tooth bites chomped on butts how they survived dehydration.
  • Thirsty tiger in desert can only think of finding a water buffalo.
  • Man finds the perfect skipping stone but has no water to skip it on.
  • Christmas tree isn't watered enough, so it takes the water from a nearby fish bowl.
  • Firefighters use Gatorade to put out a fire at the coaches house.
  • A dog stockpiled toilets for Y2K so his family wouldn't get thirsty no matter what happened.
  • A wilted Christmas tree flicks an ornament at a man; its decorations read "water me."

You searched for: thirst