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You searched for: technologies

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Snowflake's phone is protected with shape recognition.
  • mobile phone vibrates in dog as owner tries to locate it.

  • Santa puts his GPS on Dasher.
  • A smart vacuum keeps you from vacuuming legos and rings.
  • Technology projects computer keyboard on annoying sleeping cats.
  • Teacher questions student not reading as the student waits for the book's images to load.
  • The email battle between manually typing and auto fill is on, starring Manual-Lee versus Otto-Phil.
  • New motion-sensitive political voting machines have instructions to lean left or right to cast votes.
  • Husband asks government wire-tapping program to settle argument with his wife.
  • Dragons flame knights online instead of with their fire breath.
  • A teenager programs a Back To School chip in the TV that blocks all of the Back To School advertisements.
  • Mark's family comes up with cartoon ideas for Father's Day.

You searched for: technologies