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You searched for: tan

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  • Glowing lightning bug’s tanned belly girlfriend noticed since dating she’s had strange tan lines.
  • Watching people run from the water screaming as they remember phones in their pockets is good beach entertainment.
  • Wife can guess by husband's cloud tan lines that is was cloudy but not windy at beach.
  • A man thinks everyone is admiring his body at the beach, but he actuallyhas a horrible sunburn.
  • A Mr. Potato Head passes a pair of Mrs. Potato Heads at a beach while wearing a Speedo.
  • The main character of Friday the 13th takes a break on Saturday the 14th.
  • A man puts on sunblock that blocks out the sun.
  • Street dirt is a spray tan for snowmen.
  • A man has a striped tan because some bulbs in a tanning booth were burnt out.
  • A woman goes to a tanning salon while a cat goes to a sunbeam salon.
  • Aliens use SSSPF to protect their skin from three suns while tanning.
  • Wife hopes man's UV ray app was free since he's getting a sunburn.

You searched for: tan