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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Spider designs poop face web drawing & catches many flies in trap.
Angry Skippy peanut butter spoof made from peeved nuts is extra crumbly and pissed off.
Gruesome scary zombie monster loses limbs at decomposing body bathroom door.
Exact same temperature water feels in warm swimming pool & freezing in shower.
Pet owner lets kitty walking on laptop keys pick difficult internet security login passwords.
Water made as Oxygen O in bar tells Hydrogen partner polyamorous 2 H sex could spice up couple’s relationship.
Metal detector finds underground devil horns hand heavy metal rocker in sand dune beaches.
Annoyed astronaut swears at zero gravity stuck snack floating in vending machine on I.S.S. space station.
Misspelled Valentine’s Day texts autocorrected box of chalk lights chocolates, liver lover boy, car valet time & rude bugs swearing disses insults.
Woman tells man angry swear word symbol wind blowing in window is cross-breeze.
Cavemen write rock element early periodic table science discovery.
Valentine’s texts spelling cupid tooth cuspid, smartphone social media followers flowers, Roman tick romantic & ear hear emoji heart.