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You searched for: swimming pool

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  • Greedy King Midas jumps in swimming pool, belly flops painfully on hard golden metal water.
  • Dissolving lemon drops in Ted's pocket turn water yellow, making it look like he peed in the pool.
  • Son asks dad if he is too scared to get in the pool and father implies it's the yellow water.
  • Swimmer misunderstands what freestyle swimming is and comes prepared to rap.
  • The pool bathrooms have been locked all day, but no one complained because they were peeing in the pool.
  • Cannonball contest winner knocks hole in the pool.
  • Dissolving lemon drops in Ted's pocket turn water yellow, making it look like he peed in the pool.
  • A water slide is so fast that people break out the other side of the pool.
  • How to deal with air pockets in the pool is discussed at a convention.
  • Marco Polo was very frustrated when his neighbors got a pool.
  • A kid dresses up like an adult during adult swim.
  • A man plays a tape of pool sounds to make his neighbors think he has a pool.

You searched for: swimming pool