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You searched for: swelling

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Doctor recommends patient with huge fingers cut down on air quoting gestures.
  • Doctor recommends anteater avoid ants with artificial growth hormones.
  • A frog sticks out its throat to impress a girl frog, and a man sucks his stomach in to impress a woman.
  • A doctor gives a woman a collagen injection in her eye instead of her lips.
  • Darth Vader's hand hurts when he uses the Force to strangle someone.
  • Researchers looking for Bigfoot find Bigcankle instead.
  • The real reason the Universe is expanding is because it eats too much ice cream.
  • A baby's dad gets distracted during a sports game and doesn't burp him.
  • A snowman's head rolls down a hill, increasing in size.

You searched for: swelling