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You searched for: superheroes

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  • Superhero kitty saves Earth from evil fireball enemy in hot sunlight sleeping cat’s dreams.
  • Lightweight beach ball super hero is defeated by air blowing slight windy gusts nemesis’ powers.
  • Repetitive Game of Thrones, South Park & Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy characters fail guessing Wordle word catch phrases.
  • Comic book super hero Captain Entree apprehends bank robber criminal Plate with trusted Side Dish sidekick.
  • Spiders watching Amazing Spider-Man TV show complain he doesn’t help their popularity.
  • Terrified nails audience leaves cinema playing Thor movie.
  • Superhero men sit legs spread wide apart at super spreader event barbecue.
  • Marvel Avengers character Groot on laptop website debunks George Washington cherry tree and wooden teeth myths.
  • Angry man rips favorite shirt and changes to Incredible Hulk but is disappointed he ruined his clothes.
  • Goat kid trick or treating on Halloween is happy for empty candy wrappers treats.
  • Old Spider Man’s web-shooter malfunctions missing bank robber.
  • Man asks Spider-Man which newborn baby in hospital bassinets is his as infant climbs ceiling.

You searched for: superheroes