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You searched for: suddenly

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  • Ninja Sloth steals man’s garish vacation clothes from suitcase luggage.
  • Ninja Sloth writes Happy Halloween with scary skeleton’s bones to save trick-or-treating kid.
  • Ninja Sloth at beach writes he rules in sunblock on sunburned guy’s belly.
  • Ninja Sloth bags gross dog poop in rulebreaker’s shirt as revenge for leaving pet’s poo by park sign.
  • Pet owner leaves adopted dog inside to get food from car and shocked house is suddenly destroyed.
  • Cat fur covered man uses lint brush to clean dirty clothes but hairs returned instantly, asks kitty how & replies it’s a trade secret.
  • Ninja Sloth pushes antigravity invention button and floats upwards on tree branch
  • Sneaky Ninja Sloth drinks guy’s coffee cup & shakes from jittery caffeine.
  • Sneaky intoxicated Ninja Sloth suddenly drinks St. Patrick’s Day beer mug toast from surprised drinkers’ empty glasses.
  • Man ill in bed with sickness all work week recovers to party in bar Friday night.
  • Ninja Sloth picks shocked date’s Valentine’s Day flowers off stems & wears floral hat.
  • Mean boy knocks head off crying girl’s snowman but Ninja Sloth shoves jerk in snow man body.

You searched for: suddenly