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Hammer head wins sharks fair strength meter game prizes for girlfriend.
Greek myth Medusa’s snake hairs shake jittery as she drinks caffeinated espresso coffee.
Cherry disappointed fortune teller’s tough & strong prediction was candied Christmas fruit cake destiny.
Banner plane advertising Ace Super Strong Rope ironically breaks tow line flying over beach.
Man & cat shopping at tech store tell salesperson they want a powerful & comfortable laptop.
Autocorrected holiday texts turnip turns up volume, weightlifter pumpkin pie pumping iron, groovy hippy gravy boat & masher nervous sweet potato sweats.
Exercising cat lifts weights training to achieve goal knocking bigger stuff off tables.
Big muscle weightlifter bears workout in health club weight lifting to bulk ripped body muscles.
Angry man rips favorite shirt and changes to Incredible Hulk but is disappointed he ruined his clothes.
Body builders at gym train for Thanksgiving dinner lifting heavy forks.
Over caffeinated swamp monster in coffee mug scares man man eating breakfast.
Superman’s too strong Heimlich Maneuver pops choking man’s bones out mouth shocking restaurant diners.